Saturday, May 27, 2006


.. get out the map..

...back from one adventure ... on to the next....

many realities have come to be
my job has become that of a bad relationship
and i am leaving

we are embarking our way to seattle
and there is no stopping us

pirate and first mate
seashell and leaf

while my experiences in tulsa have been that of
a socialogical study, i have learned that
a stale climate doubled with corporate, single serving america
makes my inner sparkle.. well, for lack of better words..
less sparkley.

i am a sparkler. a go getter. a kite in the sky.
and this dusty air and hot tempered bible belt
grounded me  far too much.

my last gigs in tulsa will be:
june 10 saffron - benefit for food for thought
june 23 saffron - last featured performance. i will be inviting special guests for a jam session.

we hope to escape by mid july.