Journal Entry: Thu Dec 7, 2006, 8:40 AM
- Listening to: castles in the sand - hendrix
- Reading: the broken tusk - uma
- Watching: touch the sound
- Playing: how to avoid work and other pointless activities
- Eating: oatbar
- Drinking: assam black from india
the moment the pressure is on...
the muse sits on the curl of my ear, screaming....
and i can't write thoughts down fast enough......
for the last 3 months, i have been given the time to create, record, and finish up projects that have been on the back burner for years and soon that 'free time' will draw to an end. I will have to assume 'normal' life and return to the work world. frankly, this makes my stomach turn and my face smirk in that same way that i used to feel when the summer would draw to an end i would hafta go back to school. bleh.
i have been playing neuro-tennis and contemplating the idea of a partime job vs a full time job.
part time would give me lots of free time still and allow me to slowly pay off debt.
full time would give me little free time and i would be out of debt in a year.
ugh! i am torn. i just want to create full time and leave the rest behind. childrens stories are coming together.
...i have a half completed album
...7 paintings that i have to finish.
all while the muse keeps smiling at me like an energetic child whirling back and forth wilding telling tales of Jody Tody, Buzzzing bees, Mischief Tabbys, snails, Gertzthurners and Wyngangzies (oh, forgive me, you couldnt possibly know what a Gertzhurner and a Wyngangzy is.. but you will soon learn about in SID - snail in disguise)
see.... too much going on
sometimes my caffeine can't keep up!
the muse sits on the curl of my ear, screaming....
and i can't write thoughts down fast enough......
for the last 3 months, i have been given the time to create, record, and finish up projects that have been on the back burner for years and soon that 'free time' will draw to an end. I will have to assume 'normal' life and return to the work world. frankly, this makes my stomach turn and my face smirk in that same way that i used to feel when the summer would draw to an end i would hafta go back to school. bleh.
i have been playing neuro-tennis and contemplating the idea of a partime job vs a full time job.
part time would give me lots of free time still and allow me to slowly pay off debt.
full time would give me little free time and i would be out of debt in a year.
ugh! i am torn. i just want to create full time and leave the rest behind. childrens stories are coming together.
...i have a half completed album
...7 paintings that i have to finish.
all while the muse keeps smiling at me like an energetic child whirling back and forth wilding telling tales of Jody Tody, Buzzzing bees, Mischief Tabbys, snails, Gertzthurners and Wyngangzies (oh, forgive me, you couldnt possibly know what a Gertzhurner and a Wyngangzy is.. but you will soon learn about in SID - snail in disguise)
see.... too much going on
sometimes my caffeine can't keep up!