Sunday, June 03, 2007

film shoots and festivals

folklife has come and gone ..
it was the grooviest festival that i have been to / been a part of.
kind volunteers, fun times, and interesting costumes... not to mention the organic, vegan mini doughnuts that the thought makes my mouth water!! YUM!

interesting folks.. great music.. a little rain and dancing children... magic tricks from a good friend and whiskey! :bounce:
good times...

have you seen rapidograph's new look!?

he was very popular at the folk life... people kept coming up to him asking if he was alright! :D

today, we are filming on location at an old building in pioneers square. Captain has a new script ready for the Kurosawa filmfestival and I am playing a role in his movie entitled "Water From the Mountain" You can read the script here [link]

should be a great day!
many things on the go right now...
and summer is in the air!

happy happy joy joy!

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